SwiftUI series 9: Building a Fruit Search App: Data Model and ViewModel Implementation

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to create a robust data structure and view model for our Fruit Search App. We'll cover the data model, sample data, and the view model that handles our search logic.

1. Creating the Fruit Model

First, let's look at our Fruit model structure:

struct Fruit: Identifiable, Hashable {
    let id = UUID()
    let name: String
    let emoji: String
    let category: String
    let vitamins: String

Key Points:

  • Identifiable: Allows each fruit to have a unique identifier
  • Hashable: Enables the use of fruits in Sets and as dictionary keys
  • Properties include basic fruit information like name, emoji, category, and vitamins

2. Sample Data Implementation

We extend the Fruit model to include sample data:

extension Fruit {
    static let sampleFruits: [Fruit] = [
        Fruit(name: "Apple", emoji: "🍎", category: "Core Fruits", vitamins: "C, B"),
        Fruit(name: "Banana", emoji: "🍌", category: "Tropical", vitamins: "B6, C"),
        // ... more fruits

This provides us with a variety of fruits across different categories for testing and development.

3. FruitViewModel Implementation

The ViewModel serves as the brain of our application:

class FruitViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var searchText = ""
    @Published var selectedCategory: String? = nil

    private let fruits: [Fruit]

    init(fruits: [Fruit] = Fruit.sampleFruits) {
        self.fruits = fruits

Key Features:

  1. Category Management

    var categories: [String] {
    Array(Set(fruits.map { $0.category})).sorted()

    This computed property provides a unique, sorted list of all fruit categories.

  2. Search and Filter Logic

    var filteredFruits: [Fruit] {
    let filtered = fruits.filter { fruit in
        searchText.isEmpty ? true :
        fruit.name.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased()) ||
    if let selectedCategory = selectedCategory {
        return filtered.filter { $0.category == selectedCategory }
    return filtered

The filtering logic includes:

  • Case-insensitive search in both name and category
  • Optional category filtering
  • Returns all fruits if search text is empty

Why This Architecture?

  1. Separation of Concerns

    • Model (Fruit): Data structure
    • ViewModel: Business logic
    • View (to be implemented): UI presentation
  2. Maintainability

    • Easy to modify search logic
    • Simple to add new fruit properties
    • Clear separation between data and presentation
  3. Scalability

    • Ready for real API integration
    • Easy to add more filtering options
    • Prepared for future features

Next Steps

In the next part of this tutorial, we'll implement the views that will use this ViewModel to create an interactive and responsive user interface. Stay tuned for the implementation of both the basic and better search views!