SwiftUI series 8: Building a Switch Tab Demo in SwiftUI
In this tutorial, we'll walk through creating a simple yet effective search interface using SwiftUI. We'll build a main content view that allows users to switch between two different search implementations.
Understanding the Code Structure
Let's break down the main components of our ContentView:
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var selectedDemo = 0
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
// Main content here
Key Components:
State Management
@State private var selectedDemo = 0
We use a @State property wrapper to maintain the selected search view option. The initial value is 0, representing the basic search view.
Navigation Stack The entire content is wrapped in a NavigationStack, providing a foundation for navigation capabilities.
Segmented Control
Picker("Select Views", selection: $selectedDemo) { Text("Basic Search").tag(0) Text("Better Search").tag(1) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) .padding()
This creates a segmented control with two options: "Basic Search" and "Better Search". The selection is bound to our
state variable. -
Conditional View Rendering
if selectedDemo == 0 { SearchView() } else { BetterSearchView() }
Based on the selected option, we display either the basic SearchView or the enhanced BetterSearchView.
Customization and Styling
The picker is styled using .pickerStyle(.segmented)
for a clean, iOS-native look, and padding is added for better spacing.
The preview is set up simply with:
#Preview {
This view serves as the main container for our search functionality, allowing users to toggle between two different search implementations. The segmented control provides an intuitive way to switch between views.
Next Steps
In the following tutorials, we'll dive into implementing betterSearchView components