what does ios dev NSPredicate “title CONTAINc”. the c mean?
ios dev NSPredicate "title CONTAINc"中的 c 是什么意思?
what does ios dev NSPredicate "title CONTAINc". the c mean?
ios dev NSPredicate "title CONTAINc"中的 c 是什么意思?

In iOS development, the NSPredicate expression title CONTAINc is used to filter objects based on a specific property. In this case, the property being filtered is title.
在 iOS 开发中,NSPredicate 表达式 title CONTAINc 用于根据特定属性过滤对象。在本例中,被过滤的属性是 title。

The CONTAINc operator is a case-insensitive comparison operator. It means that the predicate will match objects where the title property contains the specified string, regardless of whether the characters are in uppercase or lowercase.
CONTAINc 操作符是一个不区分大小写的比较操作符。这意味着谓词将匹配标题属性包含指定字符串的对象,而不管这些字符是大写还是小写。

Here's a breakdown of what each part means:

title: This is the name of the property that will be compared.
CONTAIN: This is the comparison operator, which checks if the specified string is contained within the property value.
c: This modifier indicates that the comparison should be case-insensitive.

For example, if you have an array of objects with a title property, and you want to find all objects where the title contains the string "apple", you could use the following NSPredicate:
例如,如果您有一个包含标题属性的对象数组,而您想查找标题包含字符串 "apple "的所有对象,您可以使用下面的 NSPredicate:

NSPredicate predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"title CONTAINSc %@", @"apple"];
filteredArray = [myArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
This would return a new array containing only the objects whose title property contains the string "apple", regardless of whether it's written as "apple", "Apple", or "APPLE".
这将返回一个新数组,其中只包含标题属性包含字符串 "apple "的对象,而不管它是写成 "apple"、"Apple "还是 "APPLE"。